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Categorie di link utili segnalati. Trauma link

In Europa


  • Directory of Clinical Databases
    DoCDat is an information resource for all those involved in clinical audit, clinical governance, health services management and health services research.
  • ETSC - European Transport Safety Council
    Brussels-based independent non-profitmaking organisation dedicated to the reduction of the number and severity of transport crash injuries in Europe.
  • Trauma Care
    Trauma Care was founded in 1996 to address the need for commonly agreed standards of best clinical practice in the management of trauma. Trauma Care aims to improve the outcome of the trauma victim by establishing best practice throughout the whole chain of care. We achieve this through education, research and publishing.
    Independent, non-profit organisation providing global education, information and communication resources for professionals in trauma and critical care.

Nel resto del mondo


  • Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine
  • Brain Injury Law Group
    The Brain Injury Law Group was founded by Attorney Gordon S. Johnson, Jr., with the objective of assuring that our mission of education and advocacy for persons with brain injury reaches people throughout the country. We believe that the representation of those with a brain injury requires specialized background and training.
  • Brain Trauma Foundation
  • CDC Injury Related Website
  • CONSORT Statement Website
    CONSORT, which stands for Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials, encompasses various initiatives developed by the CONSORT Group to alleviate the problems arising from inadequate reporting of randomized controlled trials (RCTs).
  • Hosford Muscle Tables
    Trauma Image Bank - Skeletal Muscles of the Human Body.
  • TraumaAID
    Program developed over the past twelve years to assist physicians with the diagnosis and treatment of penetrating trauma (gunshot and stab wounds) to the chest and abdomen. The project has subsequently expanded to encompass other emergency medicine related endeavors.
  • United States National Libriry of Medicine - The Visible Human Project
    It is the creation of complete, anatomically detailed, three-dimensional representations of the normal male and female human bodies. Acquisition of transverse CT, MR and cryosection images of representative male and female cadavers has been completed. The male was sectioned at one millimeter intervals, the female at one-third of a millimeter intervals.
  • WHO - World Health Organisation




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