Documenti e pubblicazioni
Database regionale delle angioplastiche coronariche (REAL). Area Governo clinico
- Bartoli S et al. The cost of innovation in treating aortic stenosis: transcatheter aortic valve implantation. G Ital Cardiol 2012;13(1):50-8.
- Valgimigli M et al for the REAL Registry Investigators. Transradial versus transfemoral intervention for acute myocardial infarction: a propensity score-adjusted and -matched analysis from the REAL (REgistro regionale AngiopLastiche dell'Emilia-Romagna) multicenter registry. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2012;5(1):23-35.
- Rubboli A et al. Antithrombotic management and 1-year outcome of patients on oral anticoagulation undergoing coronary stent implantation (from the Registro Regionale Angioplastiche Emilia-Romagna Registry). Am J Cardiology 2012;109(10):1411-7.
- Ortolani P et al. Relevance of sex in patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing coronary interventions. Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine 2012
- Manari A et al. Long-term outcomes with cobalt-chromium bare-metal vs. drug-eluting stents: the REgistro regionale AngiopLastiche dell'Emilia-Romagna registry. Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine 2011.12; 2:102-109
- Campo G et al.Prognostic impact of hospital readmissions after primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Arch Intern Med 2011. 171; 21:1948-1949
- Ortolani P et al. Long-term clinical outcomes after drug eluting stent implantation in women with de novo coronary lesions Results from the REAL (REgistro Regionale AngiopLastiche Emilia-Romagna) multicenter registry. International Journal of Cardiology 2011
- Balducelli M et al. Comparison of 2-year clinical outcomes with sirolimus and paclitaxel-eluting stents for patients with diabetes: results of the Registro Regionale AngiopLastiche Emilia-Romagna Registry. Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions 2010. 75; 3:327-334
- Varani E et al. Long-term clinical outcomes and cost-effectiveness analysis in multivessel percutaneous coronary interventions: comparison of drug-eluting stents, bare-metal stents and a mixed approach in patients at high and low risk of repeat revascularisation. EuroIntervention 2010. 5;8:953-961
- Campo G et al. Long-term outcome after drug eluting stenting in patients with ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Data from the REAL Registry. International Journal of Cardiology 2010
- Saia F et al. Optimization of therapeutic strategies for ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction: the impact of a territorial network on reperfusion therapy and mortality. Heart 2009
- Saia F et al. Patient selection to enhance the long-term benefit of first generation drug-eluting stents for coronary revascularisation procedures. insights from a large multicentre registry. EuroIntervention 2009. 5;1:57-66
- Agenzia sanitaria e sociale regionale. REAL - Registro REgionale AngiopLastiche Coronariche Innovare la pratica clinica con ricerca, condivisione e responsabilità. Pensiero Scientifico Editore 2008
- Vignali L et al. Long-term outcomes with drug-eluting stents versus bare metal stents in the treatment of saphenous vein graft disease (results from the REgistro Regionale AngiopLastiche Emilia-Romagna registry). The American Journal of Cardiology 2008. 101; 7: 947-952
- Manari A et al. Clinical impact of an inter-hospital transfer strategy in patients with st elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary angioplasty: the emilia-romagna st-segment elevation acute. Eur Heart J 2008; 29 (15): 1834-42
- Ortolani P et al. Two-year clinical outcomes with drug-eluting stents for diabetic patients with de novo coronary lesions: results from a real-world multicenter registry. Circulation 2008. 117; 7: 923-930
- Ortolani P et al. Predictive value of high sensitivity C-reactive protein in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction treated with percutaneous coronary intervention. European Heart Journal 2008. 29;10:1241-1249
- Grilli R, Guastaroba P, Taroni F. Effect of hospital ownership status and payment structure on the adoption and use of drug-eluting stents for percutaneous coronary interventions. CMAJ 2007. 176;2:195-196
- Fiorini M et al. Valutazione dei costi delle procedure di angioplastica coronarica e bypass nei pazienti con patologia coronarica multivasale nelle strutture pubbliche e private.
Abstract book Forum italiano per la valutazione delle tecnologie sanitarie 2007; 97 - Varani E et al. Percutaneous treatment of multivessel coronary disease in the drug eluting stent era: comparison of bare-metal stents, drug-eluting stents and a mixed approach in a large multicentre registry. EuroIntervention 2007. 2;4:474-480
- Marzocchi A et al. Long-term safety and efficacy of drug-eluting stents: two-year results of the REAL (REgistro AngiopLastiche dell'Emilia Romagna) multicenter registry. Circulation 2007. 115;25:3181-3188
- Ortolani P et al. Usefulness of prehospital triage in patients with cardiogenic shock complicating ST-elevation myocardial infarction treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention. The American journal of cardiology 2007;100(5):787-92.
- Grilli R, Taroni F. Managing the introduction of expensive medical procedures: use of a registry. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy 2006. 11;2:89-93
- Saia F et al. Clinical outcomes for sirolimus-eluting stents and polymer-coated paclitaxel-eluting stents in daily practice: results from a large multicenter registry. Journal of American College of Cardiology 2006. 48; 7:1312-1318
- Percoco G et al. Safety and long-term efficacy of sirolimus eluting stent in ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction:the REAL (Registro REgionale AngiopLastiche Emilia-Romagna) registry. Cardiovascular drugs and therapy 2006. 20;1:63-68
- Guastaroba P et al. Impact of a regional project on patterns of care for acute myocardial infarction. Italian heart journal 2005;6 Suppl 6:41S-48S.
- Marzocchi A et al. Comparison of effectiveness of sirolimus-eluting stents versus bare metal stents for percutaneous coronary intervention in patients at high risk for coronary restenosis or clinical adverse events. The American Journal of Cardiology 2005. 95;12:1409-1414
- Fiorini M et al. Impatto di diverse politiche di adozione nella pratica clinica degli stent a rilascio di farmaco. Politiche sanitarie 2005. 6;4:210-218
- Dossier 91/2004. Stent a rilascio di farmaco per gli interventi di angioplastica conorarica. Impatto clinico ed economico.
- L´informazione in pillole 4 /2004. Valutazione empirica dell´impatto dei DES sulla frequenza di utilizzo delle procedure di rivascolarizzazione coronarica.
- Grilli R., Taroni F. Gli studi osservazionali per uscire dall'enigma costo-efficacia. Il Sole 24 Ore Sanità 2002. 5; 27:18-19
- Grilli R. Cure di cuore vincenti con la strategia "hub and spoke". Il Sole 24 Ore Sanità, 2002. 5;34:2-3