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Indirect cross-border healthcare in Emilia-Romagna

Indirect healthcare is provided for by the European Union to guarantee all citizens the right of freedom of choice of the place of care in any country in the European Union

Citizens registered with the Italian national health service (SSN)

Citizens registered with the Italian health service must request prior authorisation from the relevant local health authority in certain cases. To find out what healthcare services are available, click here . The following services are excluded: long-term care, allocation of and access to organs for transplants, and public vaccination programmes against contagious diseases.

Beneficiaries of cross-border health services must pay the costs of the healthcare upfront. The amount reimbursed will be equal to the fee charged in the region providing the care, net of any costs to be shared (patient’s contribution), if due.

In order to better ensure reimbursement of the benefit they wish to receive in the EU, healthcare beneficiaries can submit a request for prior verification to the local health authority to check whether, on the basis of the type of service, prior authorisation is required, and also to have find out how, when and what amount they will be reimbursed.

All requests are handled by the local health authority offices responsible for healthcare abroad. Find the local health authorities in Region Emilia-Romagna.

The Ministry of Health has set up a National Contact Point providing patients with information to facilitate access to cross-border healthcare within the European Union.


Application for prior authorisation for cross-border healthcare and application for reimbursement of healthcare costs (237.44 KB)


The fees for specialist outpatient services – visits and examinations – and hospital services are set out below [customise for each region].

Citizens not registered with the Italian national health service (SSN)

Citizens who come to Region Emilia-Romagna or treatment may go to accredited public or private facilities. Find the list of relevant local health authorities.

Further details


This page is part of the European Commission’s Your Europe portal.

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